A study of the knowledge, perceptions, and practices of anaesthetists towards paediatric post-operative nausea and vomiting management

Gowans Simon
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his discussion paper captures best practice in the use of mobile phones and other low-cost communications technologies through a series of interviews with experts and practitioners. Key lessons learned include: It’s about people, not technology. “Keeping the big picture in mind, and the challenges you’re looking to help people overcome, reminds you to stay focused,” says Ken Banks, founder of FrontlineSMS, an open source software used to distribute and collect information via text message. Understand the local environment. “Engage with the project participants who will use the technology, and with the community that will be served. Learn their issues and their needs so that you can design a technology solution that fits,” says Kristin Peterson, former CEO of Inveneo, a non-profit providing ICT support to organizations working in underserved communities.