Sketch of ground between the Keiskamma Hoek and Fort Hare shewing the proposed line of waggon road. [Map 25]

Tylden, Richard, 1819-1855.
Smith, Joshua H.
Robertson, Charles Duesbury.
Moody, Hampden Charles Blamire
Great Britain. Army. Royal Engineers
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This copy, of Tylden's original map (12th July 1853), has been used the show proposed alternations to the waggon road and the bridle path between Fort Hare and Keiskamma Hoek Post. Apparently by the time the later copy (Map 24) was made in August 1853 Capt. Robertson had been promoted to Major
(Signed) R. Tylden Capt. R.E.12 July 1853; (Copy) J.H.S. [Joshua H. Smith] 27|7|53; Lieut. R.E.; C.D. Robertson Capt. C.R.E.E.F; Rd. Tylden Captain [illegible] B. Caffraria 28th July 1853; To accompany Captain Tylden's report Same date. - 1 coloured manuscript map in ink on fine wove paper; 27 x 44 cm. - Scale 2 miles to 1 inch [1:126,720]. - Orientation magnetic north. - Grahamstown Royal Engineers' Office stamp 1861; B/31. - Memo''' The line of road shewn in yellow approved by order of the Commander of the Forces dated August 4th 1853. - [Pencil note]: The yellow line is the correct line of road at present existing. DCB Moody Capt RE 26|4|54 or [21?|4|54
Keiskamma River , Keiskamma Hoek , Fort Hare , Amatola Mountains